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Showing posts from July, 2018

Car Washing, hose foam spray gun VS pressure washer foam sprayer

Hello this is a write up comparing a few different options when selecting a foam distribution system for cleaning your automobile the Gilmour Cleaning Sprayer , Greenworks 1700 PSI Pressure Washer , and the additional Greenworks High Pressure Soap Adapter  . The best budget friendly winner is the Gilmour Cleaning Sprayer as it uses your existing hose and can generate a very decent amount of foam for your car washing. It is recommended by AMMO NYC , a very great youtube channel about car care and retailer of products to care for your automobile as well. The image below is shown being applied to my drive way for good contrast to show the different levels of foam from the gilmour option. The winner of it all is the greenworks pressure washer with the high pressure soap adapter from green works with the additional High Pressure soap adapter. The loser is the soap sprayer that comes with the pressure washer, it is awful and should not be used at all just recycle it, a